Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer is Over

It's official school is starting, which means summer is over. Jeff and I had a blast this summer. We did so many fun things. We went to Vegas, Emery, The Grand America, and Seven Peaks. We are sad to see the summer end, and we know that we need to start getting into the school routine again, which hopefully will bring on all new exciting adventures!!!

P. S
I started up yoga again today. Man it's great, but now I am sore!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

At War with a Skunk!

Those who know us personally know that we have had some unfriendly run-ins with a skunk. When we first moved here Jeff very soon discovered that a skunk was living in our crawl space. ( A funny story, for another day.)  Well, needless to say this caused much distress. It took a couple weeks but Jeff and our brother-in-law finally developed a fail safe way of making sure the skunk could never get into our crawl space or our yard again. Jeff and our brother-in-law were elated with such accomplishments and felt that the on going battle with the skunk had finally ended. All seemed well with the world. I was finally able to sleep at night with out the fear of skunk crawling up our vent and getting into our room.
Unfortunately the war with the skunk is not over. About two weeks ago the little monster retaliated by spraying my dear Sammy( a civilian) in the face with his poisonous gas. This incident ignited a fire in Jeff to get rid of the skunk once and for all. I'm not certain what Jeff is going to do to get rid of the skunk I am only certain of one thing- the war is back on!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Two Zany Lovers

Jeff and I have decided to create a blog so we can document our experiences for our posterity. Jeff and I are two zany lovers who like to spend the whole day  being together, going on adventures and just lounging around. If we had it our way we would quit our jobs, move to a foreign country and spend the whole day eating the exotic food and exploring the new culture. (And sleeping.)
However responsibility prevails...but maybe someday these things will become our reality.
So for now this blog will be about the relaxing and some what exciting, maybe even hectic adventures we share together in a world full of responsibility, and chaos ;)