Saturday, February 16, 2013

Successes of 2012

The year two thousand twelve is over. I didn't make much of an appearance on the site throughout the year, so I thought I'd post a summary of some of the major events.

First and foremost, I made it through another year, successfully avoiding the hantavirus!

This was achieved through a rigorous schedule of chemical showers and a fully filtered mobile environment.

All joking aside, one of the largest projects I've ever undertook and possibly will ever undertake was the removal of ALL of the insulation in our attic, one large black trash bag at a time.

Then, once the insulation was out, my brother-in-law, Mark, walked me through and led the project of rewiring most of the home.

The finishing touches were cleaning up the mess, installing can lights in the kitchen, and having new insulation blown in.

I have some photos of the bags below to demonstrate just how much work removing the insulation was.

I absolutely love hard work and physical labor. It's even better when it's paired with learning life skills and new experiences which will benefit me or someone I could assist down the road.

These skills and talents that we learn, while they may not play a direct role in our futures, have incredible purpose in my life.

The bags on the trailer with Christina in the picture were only half of the bags. This other pile of bags on the right was the rest of them which we couldn't fit on the trailer.

I'm sure glad that's over!

Christina already posted about our trip to San Francisco, but I'd like to add one additional detail: I loved it!

The trip was very inexpensive thanks to our choice to camp in a KOA, which only made the trip more fun. I was extremely happy to take some time off and relax in San Fransisco. Having fun finding new restaurants and visiting famous places throughout the city was worth every second and every penny.

Things have been going very well at work, speaking of pennies. I love my job and 2012 was filled with opportunities to excel at work. Learning the different programming languages and trying to stay involved in as much as possible, I was offered a promotion.

Going to school part time while working full time in a now even more demanding job has been crazy, and 2012 was definitely one of the most difficult and busiest years of my life, but it always pays off and makes the future years less difficult.

I love the way things are going in both my education and my career.

Finally, my favorite success of 2012 was another fabulous year with my wife, Christina. She is doing so well in school and will be graduating in a couple of months with her bachelor's degree. I am very proud of her and I consider myself so lucky to be with such an incredible and intelligent woman.

Other than being extremely cold and snowy, 2013 has already been a positive year and I'm just so in love with my life with Christina. She's the greatest treasure I'll ever know and I'm just so glad and happy she's with me!

I sure hope she likes this post!